+599 9 513-4146 info@jstours4u.com

Easy Payments Plans

Now You Can Easily Pay Off Your Vacation – Interest-Free!

J&S Tours Easy Payment Plan (JEPP) is a new and optional payment program offered to prospectus travelers.

You deserve a great vacation and JEPP makes budgeting for vacation packages expenses more flexible each month because it lets you pay in installments interest-free monthly.


How Do I Get Started?

Contact us now to plan your vacation and reserve your space with only a small deposit.

To enroll in JEPP, you need to sign up for a tour and contact J&S Tours at +5999 868 3585 or info@jstours4u.com or just send us an email directly through our contact form HERE.

How To Make Payments?

You can make payments by bank standing order, personal check, or credit card. Register for a J&S Tours excursion package and register for a J&S Tours Easy Payment Plan.